

“I graduate from The Y.W.C.A Hioe Tjo Yoeng”

I graduate from The Y.W.C.A Hioe Tjo Yoeng College which is a band 1 school in Ho Man Tin. I am now an Engineering student in HKUST. I am good at Geography and Maths in core part and extend module 2 in my senior secondary study. I get level 5, 5 and 5 in those subject in HKDSE respectively. Most importantly, I love to teach Maths concept and skill with deep explanation and I am confident that I am suitable for this job.

導師編號: T011978
就讀大學: 香港科技大學 主修課目: 工程
就讀中學: 中學語言:
補習經驗: 兩年 教育程度: 大學生(學位)
最低時薪: $0 出生年份: 1997
理想時薪: $0 居住地區: 黃大仙
就讀年級: 大學三年級(學位課程)
授課區域: 九龍城 觀塘 黃大仙 土瓜灣 九龍塘 紅磡 何文田


“I graduate from The Y.W.C.A Hioe Tjo Yoeng”

I graduate from The Y.W.C.A Hioe Tjo Yoeng College which is a band 1 school in Ho Man Tin. I am now an Engineering student in HKUST. I am good at Geography and Maths in core part and extend module 2 in my senior secondary study. I get level 5, 5 and 5 in those subject in HKDSE respectively. Most importantly, I love to teach Maths concept and skill with deep explanation and I am confident that I am suitable for this job.

導師編號: T011978
就讀大學: 香港科技大學
主修課目: 工程
補習經驗: 兩年
教育程度: 大學生(學位)
最低時薪: $0
出生年份: 1997
理想時薪: $0
居住地區: 黃大仙
就讀年級: 大學三年級(學位課程)
授課區域: 九龍城 觀塘 黃大仙 土瓜灣 九龍塘 紅磡 何文田