

“English Teacher”

I am a secondary school English teacher and have over 5 years of teaching experience. I have met the Language Proficiency Requirment and was awarded with a Certificate of Merit. Having studied and graduated from the UK, I am fluent in English and I believe that English should be learnt interactively.

導師編號: T016740
就讀大學: 其他大學 主修課目:
就讀中學: Bruton School for Girls (UK) 中學語言: 英文
補習經驗: 五年或五年以上 教育程度: 碩士學位
最低時薪: $350 出生年份: 1993
理想時薪: $450 居住地區: 將軍澳
就讀年級: 現職中學教師
教授科目: 英國語文,英文拼音,英語會話
授課區域: 灣仔,銅鑼灣,跑馬地,北角,鰂魚涌,太古,筲箕灣,西灣河,柴灣,九龍塘,黃大仙,鑽石山,彩虹,牛池灣,牛頭角,九龍灣,觀塘,藍田,油塘,九龍城,將軍澳,西貢,沙田


“English Teacher”

I am a secondary school English teacher and have over 5 years of teaching experience. I have met the Language Proficiency Requirment and was awarded with a Certificate of Merit. Having studied and graduated from the UK, I am fluent in English and I believe that English should be learnt interactively.

導師編號: T016740
就讀大學: 其他大學
就讀中學: Bruton School for Girls (UK)
中學語言: 英文
補習經驗: 五年或五年以上
教育程度: 碩士學位
最低時薪: $350
出生年份: 1993
理想時薪: $450
居住地區: 將軍澳
就讀年級: 現職中學教師
教授科目: 英國語文,英文拼音,英語會話
授課區域: 灣仔,銅鑼灣,跑馬地,北角,鰂魚涌,太古,筲箕灣,西灣河,柴灣,九龍塘,黃大仙,鑽石山,彩虹,牛池灣,牛頭角,九龍灣,觀塘,藍田,油塘,九龍城,將軍澳,西貢,沙田