

“擅長: 英語、數學、設計、運動”

為夢想努力不懈 12 years ago, with average HKDSE score 3 and IELTS 6.5. Then I studied an A-LEVEL course and graduated with a Merit Award, successfully entered one of the best Architecture School in the UK. Now constantly working with clients from diverse background. 本人是一位英國大學建築系畢業生,處於創業的階段。正在創造多元收入,同時亦在協助一個國際義工團隊籌備運動表演以及比賽的活動。 經常與不同年齡層和來自不同背景或地域的人士進行合作,同時亦是一位跆拳道教練,前港隊運動員。 Working slowly towards my personal goal of starting an Architectural Design Studio through taking up multiple freelance and part-time jobs as various income streams and inspirations in the meantime. I enjoy problem solving, sharing and multitasking. Excellent in time-management, networking,self-motivated, disciplined and ready for challenges.Confident in Written & Spoken English, Native in Cantonese & Average in Mandarin.Expert in doing researches,analysisand in presentation skills.

導師編號: T024475
就讀大學: 其他大學 主修課目: 建築學
就讀中學: 林大輝中學 中學語言: 英文
補習經驗: 五年或五年以上 教育程度: 大學畢業
最低時薪: $250 出生年份: 1994
理想時薪: $480 居住地區: 馬鞍山
就讀年級: 大學畢業(文憑、高級文憑或副學士)
教授科目: 英國語文,數學,普通話,廣東話,英語會話,IELTS,繪畫
授課區域: 沙田,小瀝源,馬鞍山,大埔


“擅長: 英語、數學、設計、運動”

為夢想努力不懈 12 years ago, with average HKDSE score 3 and IELTS 6.5. Then I studied an A-LEVEL course and graduated with a Merit Award, successfully entered one of the best Architecture School in the UK. Now constantly working with clients from diverse background. 本人是一位英國大學建築系畢業生,處於創業的階段。正在創造多元收入,同時亦在協助一個國際義工團隊籌備運動表演以及比賽的活動。 經常與不同年齡層和來自不同背景或地域的人士進行合作,同時亦是一位跆拳道教練,前港隊運動員。 Working slowly towards my personal goal of starting an Architectural Design Studio through taking up multiple freelance and part-time jobs as various income streams and inspirations in the meantime. I enjoy problem solving, sharing and multitasking. Excellent in time-management, networking,self-motivated, disciplined and ready for challenges.Confident in Written & Spoken English, Native in Cantonese & Average in Mandarin.Expert in doing researches,analysisand in presentation skills.

導師編號: T024475
就讀大學: 其他大學
主修課目: 建築學
就讀中學: 林大輝中學
中學語言: 英文
補習經驗: 五年或五年以上
教育程度: 大學畢業
最低時薪: $250
出生年份: 1994
理想時薪: $480
居住地區: 馬鞍山
就讀年級: 大學畢業(文憑、高級文憑或副學士)
教授科目: 英國語文,數學,普通話,廣東話,英語會話,IELTS,繪畫
授課區域: 沙田,小瀝源,馬鞍山,大埔