

“English tutor”

I have an undergrad in Psychology and a masters in Applied English Linguistics. I have been teaching English since 2014. I have had students of various backgrounds and ages. I believe that I have a way of connecting with students and working with them based on their individual needs to improve their language ability. I can also teach Mathematics up to F3 level.

導師編號: T024532
就讀大學: 香港公開大學 主修課目: Applied English Linguistics
就讀中學: Delia 中學語言: 英文
補習經驗: 五年或五年以上 教育程度: 碩士學位
最低時薪: $150 出生年份: 1996
理想時薪: $250 居住地區: 葵芳
就讀年級: 完成碩士學位課程
教授科目: 英國語文,數學,英國文學,英文拼音,英語會話,GCE,TOEFL,IELTS,劍橋英語,IGCSE,IB
授課區域: 美孚,荔枝角,長沙灣,深水埗,大角咀,旺角,何文田,油麻地,佐敦,尖沙咀,土瓜灣,紅磡,石硤尾,九龍塘,樂富,慈雲山,黃大仙,鑽石山,新蒲崗,彩虹,牛池灣,牛頭角,九龍灣,秀茂坪,觀塘,藍田,油塘,九龍城,將軍澳,西貢,荃灣,深井,青龍頭,馬灣,葵涌,荔景,葵芳,青衣,沙田,小瀝源,馬鞍山,大埔,粉嶺,上水,元朗,天水圍,屯門,東涌,離島


“English tutor”

I have an undergrad in Psychology and a masters in Applied English Linguistics. I have been teaching English since 2014. I have had students of various backgrounds and ages. I believe that I have a way of connecting with students and working with them based on their individual needs to improve their language ability. I can also teach Mathematics up to F3 level.

導師編號: T024532
就讀大學: 香港公開大學
主修課目: Applied English Linguistics
就讀中學: Delia
中學語言: 英文
補習經驗: 五年或五年以上
教育程度: 碩士學位
最低時薪: $150
出生年份: 1996
理想時薪: $250
居住地區: 葵芳
就讀年級: 完成碩士學位課程
教授科目: 英國語文,數學,英國文學,英文拼音,英語會話,GCE,TOEFL,IELTS,劍橋英語,IGCSE,IB
授課區域: 美孚,荔枝角,長沙灣,深水埗,大角咀,旺角,何文田,油麻地,佐敦,尖沙咀,土瓜灣,紅磡,石硤尾,九龍塘,樂富,慈雲山,黃大仙,鑽石山,新蒲崗,彩虹,牛池灣,牛頭角,九龍灣,秀茂坪,觀塘,藍田,油塘,九龍城,將軍澳,西貢,荃灣,深井,青龍頭,馬灣,葵涌,荔景,葵芳,青衣,沙田,小瀝源,馬鞍山,大埔,粉嶺,上水,元朗,天水圍,屯門,東涌,離島