


I’m Yuen Kim Tsun.I’m studying in IVELWLHigher Diploma in Advertising Design.I’m highly interested in applying for this job because I want to experience and Borden my horizon on this sector. In additional,I have a great experience myself similar to my priority of his field Since I’m one of a Sunday class teacher at my church which require interaction with kids, handling situations, presenting a fun learning environment with children. Furthermore, I go to America for an exhibition to help my dad once a year. I do believe that all of my experience I Had or all the things I learn is useful. Moreover,I hope I will get this opportunity to Learn and explore in this sector.Thank you for your kind attention.

導師編號: T007232
就讀大學: 主修課目:
就讀中學: 中學語言:
補習經驗: 三年 教育程度: 大學生(非學位)
最低時薪: $0 出生年份: 1995
理想時薪: $0 居住地區: 土瓜灣
就讀年級: 大學二年級(文憑、高級文憑或副學士)
授課區域: 中半山,薄扶林 鰂漁涌,太古 中上環,西環 灣仔 筲箕灣,西灣河 銅鑼灣,跑馬地 柴灣,小西灣 北角 香港仔,南區, 藍田,油塘 九龍城 油尖旺 觀塘 黃大仙 深水埗 土瓜灣 九龍塘 茘枝角,美孚 紅磡 何文田,將軍澳 沙田,馬鞍山 屯門 西貢 大埔 離島 荃灣 粉嶺,上水 東涌 葵芳,青衣 元朗,天水圍



I’m Yuen Kim Tsun.I’m studying in IVELWLHigher Diploma in Advertising Design.I’m highly interested in applying for this job because I want to experience and Borden my horizon on this sector. In additional,I have a great experience myself similar to my priority of his field Since I’m one of a Sunday class teacher at my church which require interaction with kids, handling situations, presenting a fun learning environment with children. Furthermore, I go to America for an exhibition to help my dad once a year. I do believe that all of my experience I Had or all the things I learn is useful. Moreover,I hope I will get this opportunity to Learn and explore in this sector.Thank you for your kind attention.

導師編號: T007232
補習經驗: 三年
教育程度: 大學生(非學位)
最低時薪: $0
出生年份: 1995
理想時薪: $0
居住地區: 土瓜灣
就讀年級: 大學二年級(文憑、高級文憑或副學士)
授課區域: 中半山,薄扶林 鰂漁涌,太古 中上環,西環 灣仔 筲箕灣,西灣河 銅鑼灣,跑馬地 柴灣,小西灣 北角 香港仔,南區, 藍田,油塘 九龍城 油尖旺 觀塘 黃大仙 深水埗 土瓜灣 九龍塘 茘枝角,美孚 紅磡 何文田,將軍澳 沙田,馬鞍山 屯門 西貢 大埔 離島 荃灣 粉嶺,上水 東涌 葵芳,青衣 元朗,天水圍