


現時就讀於香港城市大學生物醫學工程學系。擁有兩年教授小學生及中學生嘅經驗。能夠教小學中英文以致全科,若學生需要會為學生提供私人補充練習。至於中學生,操練 過往嘅past paper同街外嘅練習對於應付公開試相當重要,所以我每堂都會為學生準備練習,做完再係下一堂清楚解釋答案,順便教學生精確嘅答題技巧。 本人於公開試的數學同化學成績分別都係5級,所以我亦會同學生分享所有應試嘅心得同溫習時間表。I am Torres, an experienced tutor having been teaching Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and English Language for more than two years. I am now a private tutor tutoring Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Besides, I am a year 2 degree student, studying in Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering. Experience and professional knowledge enable me to know and understand individual student’s problems and difficulties and help them undo their mistakes and overcome their difficulties. I have taught students from many famous local as well as band one schools thus know the requirements of various schools. I teach vividly and efficiently providing plenty of effective drills and exercises. My students learn happily scoring good results in both school and public examinations such as DSE.

導師編號: T007377
就讀大學: 香港城市大學 主修課目: Biomedical and Mechanical engineering
就讀中學: 中學語言:
補習經驗: 三年 教育程度: 大學生(學位)
最低時薪: $0 出生年份: 1995
理想時薪: $0 居住地區: 柴灣, 小西灣
就讀年級: 大學四年級(學位課程)
授課區域: 鰂漁涌,太古 筲箕灣,西灣河 柴灣,小西灣 北角 ,九龍城 油尖旺 深水埗 九龍塘 紅磡,沙田,馬鞍山



現時就讀於香港城市大學生物醫學工程學系。擁有兩年教授小學生及中學生嘅經驗。能夠教小學中英文以致全科,若學生需要會為學生提供私人補充練習。至於中學生,操練 過往嘅past paper同街外嘅練習對於應付公開試相當重要,所以我每堂都會為學生準備練習,做完再係下一堂清楚解釋答案,順便教學生精確嘅答題技巧。 本人於公開試的數學同化學成績分別都係5級,所以我亦會同學生分享所有應試嘅心得同溫習時間表。I am Torres, an experienced tutor having been teaching Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and English Language for more than two years. I am now a private tutor tutoring Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Besides, I am a year 2 degree student, studying in Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering. Experience and professional knowledge enable me to know and understand individual student’s problems and difficulties and help them undo their mistakes and overcome their difficulties. I have taught students from many famous local as well as band one schools thus know the requirements of various schools. I teach vividly and efficiently providing plenty of effective drills and exercises. My students learn happily scoring good results in both school and public examinations such as DSE.

導師編號: T007377
就讀大學: 香港城市大學
主修課目: Biomedical and Mechanical engineering
補習經驗: 三年
教育程度: 大學生(學位)
最低時薪: $0
出生年份: 1995
理想時薪: $0
居住地區: 柴灣, 小西灣
就讀年級: 大學四年級(學位課程)
授課區域: 鰂漁涌,太古 筲箕灣,西灣河 柴灣,小西灣 北角 ,九龍城 油尖旺 深水埗 九龍塘 紅磡,沙田,馬鞍山