


你好,本人在英國University of East Anglia畢業和修讀數學Mathematics with business,並獲得second class First division。在英國GCE A LEVEL期間,考獲A in Mathematics, C in Further Maths, C in Economics. 加上,本人在英國亦有對IB課程有加以認識和了解,相信和A level分別不大,有信心教授IB課程。另外,我在英國也有幫助低年級學生解決難題,亦有在英國中學觀察老師授課,從而學習不同的教授技巧。 近年我對教育的興趣比較大,希望從不同方面得到經驗,更希望能給予機會讓我嘗試,未來也會留在香港發展。 Hello, my name is Mark. I am a graduated student from University of East AngliaUEA in UK. My major study was BSc Mathematics with business with a second classFirst Division. I have studied GCE A Level in UK, and got A in Mathematics, C in Further Maths, C in Economics. Furthermore, I have a great interest in the IB course. The reason behind is I want to know the difference between the GCE A level and the IB. I believe that the IB course is quite similar to the mathematics in the UK. Also, I have joined the PALPeer Assisted Learning in my university which was helping the junior student with their homework that they are struggle. In the meantime, I have visited a number of high school in UK and learnt different kind of teaching skills with the experienced teachers. In the recent years, I feel teaching is my type of job in the future. As I need more experience in teaching, I hope private tutoring can give me a great chance to teach the next generation.

導師編號: T009408
就讀大學: University of East Anglia 主修課目: Mathematics
就讀中學: 中學語言:
補習經驗: 三年 教育程度: 大學畢業
最低時薪: $0 出生年份: 1995
理想時薪: $0 居住地區: 沙田, 馬鞍山
就讀年級: 大學畢業(學位課程)
授課區域: 灣仔 銅鑼灣,跑馬地 北角,油尖旺 觀塘 深水埗 土瓜灣 九龍塘 茘枝角,美孚 紅磡 何文田,將軍澳 沙田,馬鞍山 西貢 大埔 荃灣



你好,本人在英國University of East Anglia畢業和修讀數學Mathematics with business,並獲得second class First division。在英國GCE A LEVEL期間,考獲A in Mathematics, C in Further Maths, C in Economics. 加上,本人在英國亦有對IB課程有加以認識和了解,相信和A level分別不大,有信心教授IB課程。另外,我在英國也有幫助低年級學生解決難題,亦有在英國中學觀察老師授課,從而學習不同的教授技巧。 近年我對教育的興趣比較大,希望從不同方面得到經驗,更希望能給予機會讓我嘗試,未來也會留在香港發展。 Hello, my name is Mark. I am a graduated student from University of East AngliaUEA in UK. My major study was BSc Mathematics with business with a second classFirst Division. I have studied GCE A Level in UK, and got A in Mathematics, C in Further Maths, C in Economics. Furthermore, I have a great interest in the IB course. The reason behind is I want to know the difference between the GCE A level and the IB. I believe that the IB course is quite similar to the mathematics in the UK. Also, I have joined the PALPeer Assisted Learning in my university which was helping the junior student with their homework that they are struggle. In the meantime, I have visited a number of high school in UK and learnt different kind of teaching skills with the experienced teachers. In the recent years, I feel teaching is my type of job in the future. As I need more experience in teaching, I hope private tutoring can give me a great chance to teach the next generation.

導師編號: T009408
就讀大學: University of East Anglia
主修課目: Mathematics
補習經驗: 三年
教育程度: 大學畢業
最低時薪: $0
出生年份: 1995
理想時薪: $0
居住地區: 沙田, 馬鞍山
就讀年級: 大學畢業(學位課程)
授課區域: 灣仔 銅鑼灣,跑馬地 北角,油尖旺 觀塘 深水埗 土瓜灣 九龍塘 茘枝角,美孚 紅磡 何文田,將軍澳 沙田,馬鞍山 西貢 大埔 荃灣