


本人於香港大學文學院學士畢業,主修翻譯及語言學;其後於城巿大學以甲等榮譽成績碩士畢業,主修公共行政。本人從事私人補習10多年,主力教授英文科,歷經HKALE Use of English以及HKDSE English Language,熟悉公開試的模式。本人過往曾經教授多名就讀直資學校、英中和中中學生包括拔萃男書院、鄉議局元朗區中學、南屯門官立中學等等,以及成年學生,重點「補底」,因應學生的個別能力度身訂造教授內容,配合考試技巧,因此過往學生均成功獲取目標成績。本人熱愛英語,平日亦喜愛鑽研英語,為人耐心、盡責、細心,著重互動教學,擅長由淺入深教導學生應付考試,紏正常見的英文寫作及發音錯誤,著重全面提升學生的聽寫讀講的綜合能力。本人可以教授英文拼音及英式國際音標,按要求以英語授課;另外本人每堂提供筆記及練習,並且詳盡批改習作和解說錯誤的模式,讓學生舉一反三,觸類旁通,顯著提升表現。 註:本人現正教授中四、中五及中六HKDSE英文科準考生以及成人學生。 Hi there! I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in translation and linguistics at HKU, followed by a master’s degree in public administration at CityU. Having been working in the tuition industry for over 10 years getting immersed in both HKALE Use of English and HKDSE English Language exams, I have both the experience and the traits that students – especially those struggling with English as a second language – are looking for. I have tutored students from numerous backgrounds, ranging from students from DSS, EMI and CMI schools such as DBS, NTHYKYLDSS and STMGSS to working adults, and have witnessed them succeeding and exceling in school-based and public exams. My expertise is rebuilding the foundation of students through tailor-making study programmes depending on their respective endowments and individual capabilities. Exam skills are taught and reinforced when students are linguistically ready for the next stage of learning. What makes me so different from other tutors is my strong passion for the English language, which always drives me to excel and inspires me to do the absolute best. Apart from exam skills, I can teach IPA English English and deliver lessons entirely in English upon request. In other words, my students should be capable of pronouncing accurately and using English effectively. Homework along with handouts is given every class for continuous improvement and is assessed with remarks given in detail so that students will understand the patterns of their mistakes and can ultimately learn by analogy all by themselves. P.S. I am tutoring fourth-, fifth- and sixth-formers who are potential HKDSE candidates, as well as a few adult students.

導師編號: T009639
就讀大學: 香港大學 主修課目: 翻譯,語言學
就讀中學: 南屯門官立中學 中學語言:
補習經驗: 五年或五年以上 教育程度: 碩士學位
最低時薪: $0 出生年份: 1981
理想時薪: $0 居住地區: 屯門
就讀年級: 完成碩士學位課程
授課區域: 灣仔 ,屯門 荃灣 元朗,天水圍



本人於香港大學文學院學士畢業,主修翻譯及語言學;其後於城巿大學以甲等榮譽成績碩士畢業,主修公共行政。本人從事私人補習10多年,主力教授英文科,歷經HKALE Use of English以及HKDSE English Language,熟悉公開試的模式。本人過往曾經教授多名就讀直資學校、英中和中中學生包括拔萃男書院、鄉議局元朗區中學、南屯門官立中學等等,以及成年學生,重點「補底」,因應學生的個別能力度身訂造教授內容,配合考試技巧,因此過往學生均成功獲取目標成績。本人熱愛英語,平日亦喜愛鑽研英語,為人耐心、盡責、細心,著重互動教學,擅長由淺入深教導學生應付考試,紏正常見的英文寫作及發音錯誤,著重全面提升學生的聽寫讀講的綜合能力。本人可以教授英文拼音及英式國際音標,按要求以英語授課;另外本人每堂提供筆記及練習,並且詳盡批改習作和解說錯誤的模式,讓學生舉一反三,觸類旁通,顯著提升表現。 註:本人現正教授中四、中五及中六HKDSE英文科準考生以及成人學生。 Hi there! I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in translation and linguistics at HKU, followed by a master’s degree in public administration at CityU. Having been working in the tuition industry for over 10 years getting immersed in both HKALE Use of English and HKDSE English Language exams, I have both the experience and the traits that students – especially those struggling with English as a second language – are looking for. I have tutored students from numerous backgrounds, ranging from students from DSS, EMI and CMI schools such as DBS, NTHYKYLDSS and STMGSS to working adults, and have witnessed them succeeding and exceling in school-based and public exams. My expertise is rebuilding the foundation of students through tailor-making study programmes depending on their respective endowments and individual capabilities. Exam skills are taught and reinforced when students are linguistically ready for the next stage of learning. What makes me so different from other tutors is my strong passion for the English language, which always drives me to excel and inspires me to do the absolute best. Apart from exam skills, I can teach IPA English English and deliver lessons entirely in English upon request. In other words, my students should be capable of pronouncing accurately and using English effectively. Homework along with handouts is given every class for continuous improvement and is assessed with remarks given in detail so that students will understand the patterns of their mistakes and can ultimately learn by analogy all by themselves. P.S. I am tutoring fourth-, fifth- and sixth-formers who are potential HKDSE candidates, as well as a few adult students.

導師編號: T009639
就讀大學: 香港大學
主修課目: 翻譯,語言學
就讀中學: 南屯門官立中學
補習經驗: 五年或五年以上
教育程度: 碩士學位
最低時薪: $0
出生年份: 1981
理想時薪: $0
居住地區: 屯門
就讀年級: 完成碩士學位課程
授課區域: 灣仔 ,屯門 荃灣 元朗,天水圍